Standard and premium formats
Standard and premium formats: From classic to innovative
With our proven standard formats, you can exploit the full potential of classic online advertising! These traditional display formats offer impressive reach and can be precisely tailored to your target group. Thanks to flexible targeting options, these formats are ideal for achieving your campaign goals effectively with any budget.
Our premium formats set new standards for the digital marketing of the future: eye-catching, memorable and effective. Our large-scale advertising formats offer creative scope and are prominently placed on the United Internet portals. They ensure maximum attention and leave a lasting impression. This allows you to reach your target group directly and effectively - with easy planning and plenty of room for innovative ideas!
Get Inspired!
- Standard-formats: Premium reach, paired with target group-oriented control options and individual customer approach.
- Premium-formats: Large-scale advertising formats with creative design options, prominently and exclusively placed on
Find out about our wide range of standard and premium formats and put your advertising message in the limelight!